





Tiderace Xceed -sarja (Xceed-XS, Xceed-S, Xceed, Xceed-X)

Alk. 4 850,00 €

Tuotekoodi: 005744

Tiderace Xceed -sarja (Xceed-XS, Xceed-S, Xceed, Xceed-X)

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Muut tuotekuvat

Tiderace Xceed XS - G-Core Epoxy Tiderace Xceed S - G-Core Epoxy Tiderace Xceed - G-Core Epoxy
Tiderace Xceed X - G-Core Epoxy Tiderace Xceed XS - HardCore Epoxy Tiderace Xceed S - HardCore Epoxy
Tiderace Xceed - HardCore Epoxy Tiderace Xceed X - HardCore Epoxy Tiderace Xceed XS - Carbon Epoxy
Tiderace Xceed S - Carbon Epoxy Tiderace Xceed - Carbon Epoxy Tiderace Xceed X - Carbon Epoxy

Huom! Varmista saatavuus! Yleensä jokaista kokoa heti saatavilla vähintään yhtä rakennetta.

Materiaalivalinnasta riippuen hinnat alkaen 4850,00€:

3 Eri rakennetta G-Core Epoxy, Hardcore Epoxy ja Carbon Epoxy

G-Core Epoxy 4850€

HardCore Epoxy 5250€

Carbon Epoxy 6050€

Xceed mallisto täyttää monien odotukset: ketteryys, nopeus, kevytkulkuisuus. 

Tiderace ja Aled Williams pistävät valmistustekniikassa ja designissä aina vain paremmaksi. Maailman ykkös kilpa- ja kuntokajakkivalmistajan Nelon tehtaalla Euroopassa valmistettuna - Ennennäkemätön saumaton valmistustekniikka retkikajakeissa - kevyempi, kestävämpi. 

Saatavilla kokoina XS, S, M ja X!

Xceed malliston mittatiedot:

Xceed XS: Pituus: 510cm, Leveys 51,5cm, korkeus: 28,5cm, paino: n. 24,5kg G-Core / 23,5kg HC / 22kg Carbon

Xceed S: Pituus: 540cm, Leveys: 53cm, korkeus: 29,5cm, paino: n. 25kg G-Core/ 24kg HC / 22,5kg Carbon

Xceed: Pituus: 540cm, Leveys: 54cm, korkeus: 30,5cm, paino: n. 25,5kg G-Core/ 24,5kg HC / 23kg Carbon

Xceed X: Pituus: 550cm, Leveys: 57.5cm, korkeus: 33,5cm, paino: n. 26kg G-Core / 25kg HC / 23,5kg Carbon

Melojan optimipainot:

Xceed XS 45-75kg
Xceed-S 60-85kg
Xceed 75-95kg
Xceed-X 85-105kg


Xceed XS 304Litraa (58,5litraa, etuboksi 3litraa, takapäiväluukku 32litraa, takaluukku 62litraa, istuintila 148,5litraa)

Xceed-S 342Litraa (Etu 66litraa, etuboksi 3litraa, takapäiväluukku 36litraa, takaluukku 70litraa, istuintila 167litraa)

Xceed 364Litraa (Etu 72litraa, etuboxi 3litraa, takapäiväluukku 38litraa, takaluukku 74litraa, istuintila 180litraa)

Xceed-X 442Litraa ( Etu 84litraa, etuboxi 3litraa, takapäiväluukku 42litraa, takaluukku 86litraa, istuintila 227litraa)

Huom! Core-rakenteisten kuitukajakkien kuljetukseen suosittelemme J-kaaria ja kunnon sidontaliinoja, autamme mielellämme oikeanlaisten kuljetusvälineiden valinnassa.




Rakenteet - läpileikkaus materiaaleista!

 Huom! Varastovärit ja varastotilanne vaihtelevat.

The Xceed – the enthusiast’s new boat of choice; designed to be to be an efficient, capable, seaworthy expedition kayak, while also being dynamic to paddle on day trips. Computer designed, the Xceed series of hulls are honed to provide especially efficient cruising at above 4 knots. Hatch volume is large, especially in the larger model size – these boats are a new generation developed from proven expedition pedigree and record-breaking achievements.

The Xceed’s ease of edging and turning combined with its stability makes it the adventurer’s favourite ‘go-anywhere’ and ‘take-on-anything’ sea kayak. Cockpit foredecks are relatively high, retaining the dynamic and commanding paddling position associated with Tiderace designs. Designed to take the hard work out of expeditioning, the Xceed glides through the most challenging waters whilst eating away the miles.

Tiderace are pleased to announce that NELO (MAR Kayaks) Lda, Portugal have become the sole licensee of Tiderace sea kayaks.

Dave and Aled are proud to be working with a highly regarded and long-standing leader in kayak innovation. This collaboration will see the Tiderace brand progress with new designs and constructions built to the quality Tiderace kayaks are renowned for. NELO will be the operational front of Tiderace with Dave and Aled continuing with sales and new product development. NELO are certain to bring something special to the Tiderace range of boats.

These are some of the new features customers will enjoy: seamless one-piece constructions, new construction laminates and materials, and new gelcoat colour and graphic options.

We’ve developed new designs! The XCEED is a family of skeged expedition kayaks which will replace the older designs in the Tiderace range. The versatile XCEED builds on the success of the Xcite, Xplore and Xcape series to become a refined new generation of sea kayak which will deliver the touring and expedition performance that Tiderace paddlers have enjoyed.

The Xtra stays, dominant in its class and highly regarded as a high performance rough water sea kayak and our increasingly popular PACE Series continues with addition of S-models and introduction of a Carbon-epoxy construction. After 10 years of leading the sea kayak market, our collaboration with NELO will see a product step-change and a raft of innovations implemented. We regard this as being the most exciting development to happen to Tiderace since its inception, we look forward to celebrating this success with our committed dealers and our dedicated Tiderace paddlers.